If navigating your way through a world absolutely drowning in clickable objects that have no impact on progress, but trigger bad voice acting to talk about things that you couldn’t possibly care about, and listening to the most boring dialog and corny jokes ever written, just to get a note in a notebook which can be used to trigger more boring dialog & bad jokes is your thing, then Kathy Rain: Director’s cut is for you. The voice acting (reading from a page) is mostly awful, Kathy is one of the worst ones, and that fact gets much worse when you realize that dialog (voice acting) is most of the game, and she’s in all of it. It’s a gd sleeping pill in app form.The graphics are pretty bad, even for a retro game. Seriously, If you’re into point & click, pick this game last, because it is NOT an “adventure”. Here’s the kicker, I paid extra for the directors cut, only to get even more boring dialog, and sleepy music. This “game” is so gd boring I seriously play it at bedtime to help me fall asleep, and that says a lot, because I LOVE point & click adventures, and have loved almost every one I’ve ever played since Maniac Mansion. For players on newer devices (iPhone X and newer), the game won’t necessarily fit the full screen (there will be letterboxing on the sides), but it still looks and plays great and isn’t noticeable. That aside, it’s quite enjoyable and worth the cost.

I don’t think the game is trying to take a hard stance one way or the other, but it did feel a bit odd to experience. As another reviewer indicated, I did enjoy the story but have a nit with the writer’s reference to Kathy’s past personal decisions being reflected in the form of a haunting past. Kathy Rain is a well-made game that plays great on a touch screen, has beautiful pixel graphics, is fully voice acted, and offers a mild bit of challenge - enough to keep you engaged, but not challenging to the point of discouraging you from continuing.

I completed the game with 19/40 achievements on an iPhone 12 Pro with no crashes or issues.If you’re hankering for a game reminiscent of the OG Sierra point and click adventure games, then look no farther. I saw some reviewers saying they experienced bugs that made this game unplayable, but I experienced none of those issues.